Challenge 2 - Wildlife from my Window

Wildlife from my window - This week I challenge you to find a way of representing the range of wildlife (animals and/or plants) that you can spot from your window or garden. Read on below ...
During the current lockdown we cannot get out and about in nature as much as we normally would but there is still lots to see from your window or your garden, if you have one. I've spotted pigeons, blue tits and even a seagull from my window! I can also see a HUGE sycamore tree, daisies and dandelions.
This week I challenge you to find a way of representing the range of wildlife (animals and/or plants) that you can spot from your window or garden. This could be through a poster, photographs, Lego models, construction, a tally chart, a written report, paintings, sketch, etc. You choose the way that you would most enjoy!
Photos or scans of these should be sent into the school office by Wednesday 13th May 2020. They will be published in the school newsletter and also appear on the website at a later date.
I look forward to seeing all the amazing wildlife that you have spotted!